Being Honest.

I'm back (again) and today I am being honest about some things I would really rather not be honest about; I'm a bit of mess sometimes, read: a lot of the time, and while that isn't entirely my fault it is also isn't not my responsibility. A few years ago I was very good at…

New Year, Same Me, Different Habits

Not to be Captain Obvious but, it's 2018 - congratulations world we made it another year without wiping out the whole planet! 2017 was a pretty good year for me; I started a job I love, I didn't hurt myself with a razor blade once (something I haven't not done for a whole year since…

When You STILL Need Prayer…

"Was that word for me or am I just making everything about myself?" "Oh Lord... Everyone is looking at me" "They're all thinking 'prayer, for the second time in one month?! She must be a sinful heathen!!!'" "I'm so greedy with prayer - this is like the third week in a row I've been up..."…


What would Jesus do? Four words, and, in most cases, a relatively easy question to answer - the Gospels tell us that Jesus was loving, kind, forgiving and a champion for the marginalised, so it's normally pretty obvious what Jesus would do. But, as Christians, is it enough to hypothetically ask and then continue about…

Jesus Crew™ Goes Homeless

Hello everyone, (hopefully) a few of you have come here due to my post on my church student page - welcome to my blog where I write mostly uninteresting God-related musings. The question on everyone's mind (probably) is "Anastasia, how do I join the Jesus Crew™ and why are you going homeless?" This, my friends, is…

@God, where is my lobster?

The thing about being a young Christian is that when you get to 20 it can feel like everyone you know at church is settling down; they're in a long term relationship, they've just gotten engaged or even married. And you're alone, and very single. In fact it's getting to the point where you're so single…

When God Does the Dishwasher Weird

Picture this: you're 12, standing in a room full of other people ranging from your age to really old. There's a crazy American guy standing on stage and he's telling everyone to 'speak out to God', 'sing their own song' and 'do their own thing'. Except, you don't know what your 'own thing' is or how…

When God Is Ten Minutes Late.

You know that saying? You wait 10 minutes for a bus and then 3 turn up at once; well, sometimes I feel like that about God. Although maybe that isn't the best comparison given that I'm not a Hindu so that's the wrong set of deities, but I think we can all admit that waiting…